Updating post from Reddit.
£500 a month to share a room?!
It's in Chiswick. 1 bed flats go from around 1500-3000 per month in that area.
I work with a guy who rents 1 room for him, his wife, his small child, and his adult brother and they pay 1200 a month in Hounslow!
House prices and rental prices are crazy in London.
That sounds a little overcrowded and bordering on illegal.
Most HMO's disallow more than 2 people living in any room.
If the landlord tries to earn rent for that happening, you can report him for violating the hmo license.
However doesn't solve the tenants affordability problems. Reporting would just lead to homelessness. That's how overcrowding continues.
Definitely illegal. I can only assume the landlord doesn't know of the situation.
He does what now?
I know it's crazy I thought they shared a flat, but nope, just a large room. 2 other families live there in other rooms it's insane but they all get along and beggars can't be choosers I guess.
For that amount you could live in London though
Not in Chiswick or any surrounding areas you'd have to move to a not so nice part of London for that.
lol for 3k a month you can live in central London. Zone 1-2. Who would want to live in Chiswick which is quite frankly barely even in London
It's nicer..
He’s paying that because the landlord is letting him have 4 people in the room.
Quick search shows rooms between 700-100 and flats at 1500.
With the "resident German" no less 🥴
In line with London prices sadly
This 100% sounds like you’re waking up one morning with someone else wearing your skin…
It would then be time to roll in a pile of salt
Sounds like cult
I had to Google what "Living Intentionally" was and spot on, sounds like a cult.
The ad also mentions YWAM Youth With A Mission — To know God and to make Him known which sounds quite intense
Living intentionally? Where gas thar come from?
I'm almost certain that this is, at the very least some kind of way for a young woman to be watched over by and approved adult, if not actually some kind of conversion/'rehab' therapy thing. It's just being 'legally' advertised as a room share.
This isn't actually aimed at young professional women, but rather the parents/guardians of one who is maybe a little too wayward for their liking and or is moving to London for uni or work and they want tabs being kept on them.
I'm sure there's a few Christian and other religious women who wouldnt mind sharing a room with similarly modest and chaste women, but I feel like £650 a month is extortionate for a roomshare, regardless of location.
The room is also conveniently shared with some kind of 'boundaries' counselor too, and they go out of their way to mention this.
Aha, so this is some kind of semi-commercial offer, and the intention is the rent from the 4th person, paid by the parent, will cover most of the rent for the other 3, and in return the other 3 will keep an eye on the 4th person?
£650 isn't covering fuck all in Chiswick, a 3 bed goes for like £3500/month out there.
Probably subsidising the bills though
Sounds more like an illegal HMO
This is a cult, right?
It's on a FB Group for a Church in London.
So it is a cult.
The difference is indeed very subtle.
Just like the difference between a landlord and cunt.
Oh wait there is no difference there.
Ignoring the cult thing, at uni 20 odd years ago, two strangers regularly shared the master bedroom in a houseshare. I never understood it then either.
Eh, this was a thing in the 90s too, but usually with the Kiwi’s and Aussies in renting whole houses in Golders Green. They even had a casual rate for someone sleeping in the couch.
I worked in central London with a few Kiwis & Aussies who lived like this (mid 2010s)
That was me! I’m still in touch with the housemates and some of the dossers from back then. Fun times! But there is no way I’d do it again 😂
That whole ad makes me fucking vomit.
‘If you’re feeling prompted to live more intentionally’ 🤢
Ok, I know the UK is a bit more developed but in Eastern Europe it's still a thing. It may be less common but 10 years ago it was very normal especially within the student house/room shares... But when I was a young professional my flatmates room shared... It's not as weird as you think. I wouldn't be surprised if the student housing was still set up with room share options where 4 share ONE bedroom.
I know it's crazy as even in some countries inmates have their own places...
£650 a month to SHARE A ROOM
what the living fuck is this dystopian bullshit
We are back to Victorian slum level of housing if a bed in a room is £500/month.
£500 is the monthly mortgage payment on my 4 bedroom house, wtf is this?
Is your house in Chiswick?
Beside the point but £150 for bills seems insane? Are they in the top council tax band or something?
Council tax is around £315/month for my mate who lives in Chiswick in a 3 bed
She's good at establishing boundaries...wtf
I thought that was called a hostel.
£500 holy moly
Actually seems alright tbh but I wouldn’t want to do it personally.
When I first moved to the USA, I shared a room with 8 people. or $750 per month. Bunk beds. In a house of about 40. There were additional properties on the grounds, all areas shared, so it actually ended up being about 140 people in total. I just about lost my mind.
London is not a serious place. I'm convinced it's only there for the banter.
For the same price I rented a 3 bedroom maisonette in Nottingham.
Full on cult. Yikes.
Where’s the bunk bed? Confused
I was feeling creative. "Room Share" would be better.
Everything about the language used in this ad sets my teeth on edge.
How I can I get one